Due : 0 uah

Beech Firewood for Heating (grid - 5 kg)
Beech firewood is perfect for long-term heating due to its high calorific value and long burning time. This environmentally friendly fuel provides stable and efficient heat, ideal for home use.
Cost :
190 uah
Ecopallet fuel pellets from Carpathian pine in a 1050 kg bag are distinguished by environmental cleanliness, economy and ease of use, contributing to sustainable and efficient heating.
95 uah
Паливні пелети Ecopallet з карпатської сосни, упаковані у мішки по 1050 кг, відзначаються екологічною чистотою, економічністю та зручністю у використанні, забезпечуючи сталий та ефективний процес опалення.
12000 uah
10999 uah
Beech firewood is perfect for long-term heating due to its high calorific value and long burning time. This environmentally friendly fuel provides stable and efficient heat, ideal for home use.
290 uah
225 uah