Due : 0 uah

EcoPallet fuel pellets in granules (15 kg)
Ecopallet pellets are ideal for residential buildings, commercial premises and industrial facilities, where efficient and ecological heating is required. By choosing Ecopallet pellets, you choose not only high-quality and efficient fuel, but also help preserve natural resources and maintain ecological balance.
Cost :
95 uah
Beech firewood is perfect for long-term heating due to its high calorific value and long burning time. This environmentally friendly fuel provides stable and efficient heat, ideal for home use.
190 uah
Beech firewood is perfect for long-term heating due to its high calorific value and long burning time. This environmentally friendly fuel provides stable and efficient heat, ideal for home use.
290 uah
225 uah
Паливні пелети Ecopallet з карпатської сосни, фасовані у мішки по 1050 кг, відзначаються екологічною чистотою, економічністю та зручністю у використанні, забезпечуючи стабільний та ефективний процес опалення.
120000 uah
114999 uah